Elegant Corporate Brochure
Very clean and elegant corporate brochure template. Colors and fonts are very easy to adjust to comply with your corporate identity. Minimalistic and neutral design will suit most of companies and industries.
What is included with this free template?
Files included with this template:
- elegant corporate brochure.indd – InDesign template
- elegant corporate brochure.inx – InDesign CS2 template
- elegant corporate brochure.pdf – pdf preview
- Fonts.txt – list of fonts used in the template with links to download those for free
- Readme.txt – help file
Stock images used in the preview are removed from the template, no images are included with your purchase. Image frames are kept in place to make adding your images quick and easy task.
Information about fonts is in Fonts.txt file located inside template archive. Common system fonts and free fonts are used for this template. You can download free fonts (links provided), or you can replace them with fonts of your choice (see tutorial on easy way to replace font with a few clicks for the whole document).
Main characteristics of this template
- Paragraph and character styles
- CMYK and 300dpi
- Ready to print or email
- Swatches
- Clean neutral design
Please click image below to see preview of all the pages.
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Very clean and elegant corporate brochure template. Minimalistic and neutral design will suit most of companies and industries.