Misc InDesign Templates
Sometimes creativity hits the wall and takes a vacation. Professionals don’t think they have time to deal with a lapse in their creative capacity – a partial truth. Creative slumps are often caused by overworking, not getting enough sleep, or otherwise not taking care of our bodies. One of the many tips to get a blocked mind back into the swing of things is to get a new perspective. Whether that means exploring things that might seem to have nothing to do with the project, or sorting through a random folder looking for ideas, seeing things in a different light can help draw the creative mind back into play.
Have a file that doesn’t have a specific name? Need a creative boost? Shuffle through this miscellaneous collection for some fresh content and new materials to get back on track.
Automatic Magazine Table of Contents
This Automatic Table of Content is a component that will save your time creating an index spread for your magazine, book, newsletter, or a company brochure.
Calendar Module
Add this simple spread into your template to create a calendar page for events to save hours of hard work.
Yellow Pages Business Directory Data Merge
Automate your Yellow Pages Business directory publication with quick and easy Data Merge. Create Yellow Pages with hundreds of records is created in less then 3 minutes