InDesign Newsletter Templates
One of the great boons of the Internet is its potential for creating and maintaining a sense of community between people. This boon can also be called a lure, because people often feel more connected to strangers on the Internet than they do to the people that surround them everyday. Why make the effort to befriend those who are nearby when you can go online and find strangers that you instantly “click” with? This desire to belong is common to all humanity – we are, after all, social creatures. It’s not inherently wrong to seek that belonging in the virtual reality created by the Internet. People of the real-world can take a hint from online interactions, and create an equivalent in their workplaces. The equivalent to an Internet forum might be a stop at the local coffee shop; the equivalent to Youtube might be attending a comedy performance; the equivalent to a blog might be a newsletter.
Harnessing the addiction to interconnection can be an effective way of bringing new vigor into everyday interactions.
IT and Technology Tabloid
With a clever balance between text columns and peek-a-boo images, this tabloid-sized newsletter template is reader-friendly without sacrificing great design.
Political Newsletter Tabloid
Focus on the story – not the fluff – with this sophisticated, text-heavy, multi-column newsletter template.
Non-Profit Community Newsletter
A cheery, well-organized newsletter template sure to leave a positive impact on your audience no matter how many times you use it.
Fresh Non-Profit Newsletter
Fun angles and a clean color scheme make this newsletter template a fresh read.
Facts and Numbers Financial Newsletter
Instantly captivate your business-minded readers with this clean-cut, high-quality newsletter template.
Company Newsletter
With clean text columns and large image space, this double-sided newsletter template will effortlessly add to the appeal of your articles.